Produkt zum Begriff Personalized Service:
Service Management
Over 75% of graduates currently find work in the service industries, but there are very few books that deal specifically with the subject of service management. This edition of Services Management provides a comprehensive insight into the industry and its' importance in today's economies. The book is based on three central strands of services management: customers, employees and operations. The final part of the book addresses the issue of performance management and service strategy. Based on a series of research workshops with academics and practitioners at the Service Management Centre, De Vlerick School of Management, University of Ghent, the authors have produced in-depth case studies and survey research to help students to develop a thorough understanding of the specific challenges and issues of service management today. Services Management is ideal for Service Management students within a Business or Tourism degree, but also of great interest to operations, management, marketing and general business students The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Personalized Touch
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Personalized Touch
Preis: 3.31 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
Penis-Abdruck-Set „My personalized Vibrator“
Highlights Penis-Abdruck-Set inkl. Vibrator für Penis (erigiert) bis 20 cm Länge und Ø 4 cm Alles dabei: Die Packung enthält alles, damit du sofort mit dem Herstellen deines DIY-Silikonvibrators starten kannst Schnell & einfach: In nur wenigen Minuten Abdruckform machen (der mitgelieferte Penisring sorgt dabei für Standfestigkeit), diese befüllen, Vibrator rein, 24 Stunden aushärten lassen – fertig Perfektes Geschenk: So einen Penisvibrator gibt es nur einmal auf der Welt – so kann dich dein:e Liebste:r in deiner Abwesenheit immer spüren Produktinformation Wie verwende ich das Penis-Abdruck-Set? Im Penis-Abdruck-Set ist alles enthalten, was du für dein Penis-Replikat mit Vibration benötigst: (die Umverpackung des Sets dient als) Gussform, Penis-Zurrgurt, Manschette,
Preis: 49.90 € | Versand*: 3.95 € -
Service Intelligence: Improving Your Bottom Line with the Power of IT Service Management
Get the Right IT Services, on the Right terms, Without Hassles or Overpaying To gain the full benefits of technology—and avoid the staggering costs of technology failure—you must manage IT with vision, direction, and expertise. Only one set of methods is robust enough to do this: IT Service Management (ITSM). In Service Intelligence, ITSM pioneer Sharon Taylor shows business managers how to make the most of it. You’ll learn how to ensure service quality, anticipate vulnerabilities, improve reliability, and link IT directly to business performance. Taylor explains ITSM from a true business point of view, cutting through jargon and helping you drive value without becoming overly technical. She gives you powerful tools for negotiating IT services more effectively, improving IT ROI, and escaping “captivity” to either internal or external IT providers. Coverage includes • Recognizing what excellent IT service looks like and assessing what you’re getting now • Selecting the best IT service providers and services for your needs • Spotting and rectifying trouble with internal or external supplier relationships • Making sure you don’t pay for services you don’t need • Negotiating services, requirements, levels, price, quality, and delivery • Leveraging ITSM practices without losing focus on the business • Creating business-focused service reports and scorecards that focus on what matters most
Preis: 16.04 € | Versand*: 0 €
Welchen Proxy-VPN-Service empfehlen Sie für die Meta Business Suite?
Es gibt verschiedene Proxy-VPN-Services, die für die Meta Business Suite empfohlen werden können. Einige beliebte Optionen sind NordVPN, ExpressVPN und CyberGhost. Diese Services bieten eine sichere und verschlüsselte Verbindung, um die Privatsphäre und Sicherheit Ihrer Daten zu gewährleisten. Es ist wichtig, einen Service zu wählen, der zuverlässig ist und eine gute Geschwindigkeit bietet, um eine reibungslose Nutzung der Meta Business Suite zu ermöglichen.
Ist Sport Business Management?
Ist Sport Business Management? Diese Frage kann unterschiedlich beantwortet werden, je nachdem, wie man den Begriff "Business Management" definiert. Sport Business Management bezieht sich auf die Verwaltung und Organisation von Unternehmen im Sportbereich, einschließlich Sportvereinen, Sportagenturen, Sportevents und Sportartikelherstellern. Es umfasst Aspekte wie Marketing, Finanzen, Personalwesen und strategische Planung, die auch in anderen Branchen relevant sind. Sport Business Management kann als eigenständige Disziplin betrachtet werden, die spezifische Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten erfordert, um den besonderen Anforderungen des Sportsektors gerecht zu werden. Letztendlich hängt die Frage, ob Sport Business Management als "Business" betrachtet wird, davon ab, wie man den Begriff "Business" interpretiert und ob man die Besonderheiten des Sportsektors berücksichtigt.
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Service Management: An Integrated Approach to Supply Chain Management and Operations
Tie customer-driven strategies to service operations and process management, and sharpen your focus on creating customer value throughout your entire service organization! This comprehensive, multidisciplinary reference thoroughly covers today's most effective theories and methods for managing service organizations, drawing on innovative insights from economics, consumer behavior, marketing, strategy, and operations management. Leading experts Cengiz Haksever and Barry Render provide crucial insights into emerging service operation and supply chain topics, reinforcing key points with up-to-date case studies. Service Management contains a valuable chapter-length introduction to linear and goal programming and its services applications; and also addresses many other topics ignored by competitive texts, such as: Service SCM methods and approaches Focusing on customers and their service purchase behavior Service productivity Managing public and private nonprofit service organizations Vehicle routing and scheduling Ethical challenges to SCM Service Management will be an invaluable resource for senior and mid-level managers throughout any service organization, and for students and faculty in any graduate or upper-level undergraduate program in service management, service operations management, or operations management
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HPE Installation & Startup Service DL3xx Service (U4507E)
HPE Installation & Startup Service DL3xx Service (U4507E)
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